just me

Let's see.  The tab says just me.  So here goes...

My name is Carla.  I'm in my mid 30's.  I live outside of Atlanta...and I am married to my best friend. 

My very tiny wonderful mother lives outside of Atlanta too.  We have always lived in the same place...except when I went away to college.  She's the reason that I live in Georgia now and she is probably the reason that I won't be moving anytime soon...
Me and mom at the Hoover Dam...don't ask (borrrriinnnngggg!!!)

We have a dog...His name is Carson.  Carson's a yorkie-poo. 
This is a day where he is having a particularly good hair da

Why a healthy living blog?
I started the blog because I read somewhere that blogging was a good way to help you lose weight.  Then it turned into so much more than that...I blog because I love blogs.  I blog because sometimes I think of random things that I just want to say.  I blog because it keeps me accountable to eating, being and living healthy.

On this blog, you will find:  my weight loss, tasty recipes that I have found and tried (I only post the ones that were actually edible), my struggles with food and exercise, my health and fitness goals.  It is really something that I just do for myself...but I welcome anyone who wants to read, give me any words of advice or insight...and I welcome all comments (nice ones, of course!) 

So, what's your weight story?
In 2007, I had reached my heaviest weight, 148 lbs...which on my 5'0" body was not so cute.  I ate whatever I wanted to eat (a lot of Chinese, Mexican and pizza) AND even though I have a gym IN my house...I did not exercise.  You could see the weight in my butt and thighs, around my face and in my stomach.  To see proof...check me out before.

So that same year, a couple of co-workers started a Biggest Loser competition at work and I jumped on the bandwagon.  After eight weeks, I had lost 11 lbs...and won the first part of the competition!!!  Over the next couple of months, I continued to lose weight until I reached approximately 125 lbs.  I was happy that I had reached this goal weight, and I vowed that I would never be overweight again.

So many months passed and my weight yo-yo'ed.  I went up and down from 125 to 135...most of the time being closer to the higher end.  It wasn't until I hit 139 in May of 2010 that I realized something needed to be done.  I struggled for weeks trying to get back on track.  I knew all of the rules for dieting and losing weight...but I hadn't learned the lessons of healthy living.  Then I started writing this blog...and I started reading the blogs of others.  And let's just say this was life changing!

Why "Just Me?"
At one point my blog was called "Becoming That Girl."  I wanted to become a healthier person. I wanted to be that girl that leaves food on her plate when she leaves the restaurant...or someone who eats fruit as a snack or loves vegetables...I wanted to be the girl who could pass on desserts...the girl who exercised daily and practiced yoga regularly. I wanted to be someone that knows the best foods for my body...and makes conscious decisions to only puts those foods in her mouth.  I wanted to be a Whole Foods shopper!!!  I wanted to be "that girl."

In the past year, a transformation has happened.  I feel like that girl.  Eating healthier...exercising regularly and even going to Whole Foods!!!  And the funny thing is that I have found out is "that girl" was always me.  It was never about being someone else...it was about finding who I am inside (as corny as that may sounds).  Changing my lifestyle and habits has brought me closer to being a better me.  So, now that's what you get when you read this blog...not that girl...just me. 

AND as an added blogging bonus, I have also found this amazing healthy living blog-world that has helped me sooooo much in my journey!!  Who knew that there were so many people out there documenting their journeys as well!  I'm so appreciative to everyone who has shared their struggles and triumphs with the rest of the world!!!

What's up with all of the iPhone pictures?
This blog has really been a work in progress...when I first started there were no pics.  But as I read other blogs, I realized that the pics were the most fun part!!!  So, when I don't forget, I try to snap a picture or two with my phone.  I wanted to get better though.  Real pics are definitely on my to do list...

Why do you keep complaining about writing about a dissertation?
I am currently in dissertation hell.  I am currently getting my Ph.D. in Early Childhood Education...and I am hoping to finish by May 2012 (I putting it out into the universe so that it can come true).  (Even though I am working on my doctorate, my writing may seem a lil elementary...please don't judge me:))

  • I'm only 5'0" tall. 
  • I'm an only child.
  • I've lived in New Jersey, California, Maryland, Virginia and Georgia (in that order)...though I tell people that I'm from MD. 
  • I was in HR before I became a teacher. 
  • I have been in graduate school since 2002...I have three degrees and I am working on my fourth.
  • I'm a home body...but I love to go out to eat!!!
  • I L-O-V-E hot yoga!
  • I "learned" to run by doing Couch to 10K....Oh!  And I don't run outside (Gasp!!!)
  • My FAVORITE show is The Biggest Loser.  It makes me cry every time!  I watch it (and General Hospital) while I work out...on the treadmill (Gasp!)
  • I'm a pescatarian (...it's kinda like a vegetarian, but I eat seafood) 
  • Favorite flowers: orchids (duh!)...I also love tulips and sunflowers:)
  • sushi
  • black beans
  • spinach
  • kale chips
  • CHEESE (no vegan here)
  • green smoothies
  • Rudi's cinnamon raisin bread (only Rudi'...no other)
  • vanilla Greek yogurt (preferably Oikos and Chobani)
  • smoked salmon (that's my latest favorite)
  • Quorn vegetarian products (like their Chik'n tenders and Turk'y burgers)
  • Evian water (yes, I am a major water snob)
  • white wine
  • white chocolate cake (from Piece of Cake)
  • anything Mexican
  • seafood in general...especially all things crab!!!
So, that's me in a nutshell.  I really never thought that anyone would ever really be reading this blog...but I am thankful to those who have read and have left their advice, insight, or encouragement.  Thanks for visiting!!!
