Okay, so one of my goals is to be a healthy pescatarian. What's a pescatarian you may ask? It's a vegetarian who eats fish. Though it's sounds made up, it's real...really. I read it in a health magazine, so it has to be real:) When people ask, I don't really call myself a pescatarian...I usually just tell them that I don't eat meat. Which is usually followed by, "So, you're a vegetarian?"...which I usually follow with "No, I eat seafood." I have found that vegetarians and vegans get very upset if you call yourself a vegetarian and you still eat animals...even ones that swim. This is a definite veggie no-no. I have been a pescatarian since 2006. My then boyfriend/now fiance was a strict vegetarian and I thought that it would be easier for meal planning if I joined him. Only problem, I was not giving up my seafood! Funny thing was, HE started craving meat in 2008 or 2009 and we both had a meat relapse for about a year (only eating chicken and seafood). I got back on the pescatarian wagon in January 2010. He plans to stop eating meat when we start this healthy living kick tomorrow.
Anyway, I could never be a vegetarian because I love seafood too much. I couldn't live without crab (specifically, Maryland Blue Crabs), shrimp, and scallops! Oh!...and I love good fish and chips, too. YUM! As for being vegan...couldn't do that either. My love for cheese is something fierce. Nope, couldn't do it...nope, nope, nope. Even though I do realize that if I were to cut out dairy, I would be a lot closer to my health goals a lot sooner...but it's just not something that I would ever want to deny myself. No mozzarella on my pizza...no 4-cheese Mexican on my burrito...no provolone on my veggie sub!?!?! No way! So, I guess I will continue to eat cheese...in moderation, of course.
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