1. Continue Couch to 10K--Yes and No. I got all the way to week 12 or so and I have kinda quit. I'm still working out (twice a day now)...and I've started yoga again. It's okay that I can't put a check by this one. I'm still proud of me.
2. Quit _______ (this one is serious!)--BIG NO FOR THIS ONE:(
3. Write chapter 3--BIG NO FOR THIS ONE TOO!!
5. Continue skin regimen--nope! (I'm sensing a pattern)
6. Continue vitamin regimen--nope!
Okay...I should be pretty disappointed about last month's goals. Actually, I AM pretty disappointed by these goals. I was going to write a post the other day about how I NEVER finish what I start. I have big ideas...I set huge goals...I make long to do lists...and then I end the month with 2/7 things completed. It's frustrating...and it is a bad trait that I am not proud of. I always have such good intentions. Anyway, you know what they say...
If at first you don't succeed, yadda, yadda, yadda...
So, that is my motto...month after month. So here I go again for June...
1. Hot yoga 2-3 times per week
2. Finish chapters 2 and 3 (This is non-negotiable...REALLY!!!)
3. Run/Walk 15-20 miles per week
And that's it. Maybe if I make a few less goals it will be easier to attain them...we'll see. *fingers crossed*
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