Monday, July 5, 2010

Congrats, Koli Bear!!!! why was it nearly impossible to find a good picture of Koli after he had lost his weight.  All I could find were his before pics.  Anyway, two to three months later, I have FINALLY watched the BL finale.  And though Koli didn't win it all, he did win the $100,000 "at-home" prize...which is awesome!  I didn't do the calculations to figure out if he would have won the grand prize if he was in the final three, but I think he might have made out better not getting voted in by America. 

Needless to say, Koli was a favorite of mine...followed very closely by charismatic Sam.  I was a little surprised that Michael actually won...but he DID have the most weight to lose.  Good for him though.  I'm super sad that the show has ended...and I hope that Jillian's show will be enough to get me through my cardio work outs. 


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